"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lockdown and we have a 5km radius now

Today is I believe day 37 or 38 of the official lock down, from this week on wards we are allowed to exercise in a 5km radius which should help with the boredom

I went to the next town yesterday to do a blood donation, I got my SMS which would show Garda that I'm allowed to travel to the next Town, which feels weird.

The trip felt even weirder I haven't left my home area in the last 5-6 weeks, I haven't used any public Transport, it felt like a little adventure going out , there was just one other person in the Train Carriage and I'm glad that it was not more people, even though our infection rate in Ireland has gone down considerably and I assume the risk is quite low but still it feels weird

But back to the 5km radius ,I'm really looking forward to it since I really need to work on my fitness again , I probably have no cycling fitness left .
I'm doing quite a few indoor mat sessions at the moment and they help to break up the day but it doesn't help with the cardio fitness and most importantly with the mental fitness.
I have adjusted to mostly being inside but looking at the Weight scales I know this can't work forever, sadly I like food and I'm one of those persons who just needs to look at food to gain weight
so I have planned two or three routed within that 5km radius and they should be easy but will be challenging enough with my current fitness
I jsut need to wait now until I have figured out what the cause of my backpain is, I reckon its jsut a tight muscle or a small tear, not the first time this did happen but bad timing since currently I can't decide whether its less painful to sit or to stand

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