"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Long run's short runs and TRX

I really shouldn't have mentioned the Weather in my last Blog, I REALLY Shouldn't have, now the Irish Winter has arrived, ok we don't get much or any snow except in the Higher parts, down here  we usually get Rain instead and that's exactly what we got last Week, cold windy icy Rain and loads of it .

So I couldn't get out onto my bicycle, at least not safely and since I do not have a turbo Trainer that means I haven't been on my Bike now for over 2 weeks.
I really miss that part and it is kind of a logistical Nightmare for me to get to the Gym ( Complicated story ) that means I haven't been to the Gym since before Christmas, however except for really bad Rain I did not have an excuse for not going running and that's what I did , not as much as I would have wished for but 2-3 runs a week is not bad.

I'm writing this now before I plan to go out for a "long" run today. So I will stop writing this Blog and continue after the run.

So it's now a couple of hrs later and I have done my 12km / 7.5 miles slow long run,have to say the last 3km really did hurt and one of my Knees was flaring up a bit but that was to be expected since I can't really remember last time I went this kind of distance and on top of it i was also out for a run yesterday.
I know that I have to do more cross Training to avoid injury, especially I need to look after my back and knees. My Gym is just now starting TRX Fitness classes and  I have heard good things about these classes so guess need to sort out my logistical problems an get into that class.
So lets see how the Weather turns out over the next couple of Days , I really hope to be back on my bicycle soon and lets not forget the swimming , might have a chance to do lunch time Swims and put this all together should mean amazing Triathlons, can't wait for the Season to start.

Here is link to a Video from last Years Dublin city Triathlon , so can't wait to do these again :

Sunday, January 6, 2013

First week of January which included swimming , cycling and running

I have taken full advantage of the mild Weather that we have here currently in Ireland, there was no snow or Ice and even little Rain , so I took the Chance to start to cycle to work again and usually after Work I tried to do a 30 min Run , I did 2 interval Session with the Audiofuel / Chrissie Wellington Sessions. Those Session are really though but I have seen already the improvements.
I hope that I will manage a 7 min/ km for the Half Marathon which is just 55 Days away .
I'm at the moment roughly at 7:30 min/km but if everything goes well then I should be able to archive the 7 min somehow . I also enjoyed yesterday a nearly 30 km Cycle ride through the Hills, those Hills are though had I had to push the Bike twice, if the Weather keeps up like this then I should be able to do every weekend a long ride, I also can't wait until the Days finally get longer then I can finally take longer rides before and after work.
Plan for next week will be :

Monday Lunchtime Swim ( will try out a new pool not far away from my Workplace )
Tuesday , running home from Work , direct route 7 km , if the Legs are ok, then I should extend this to 9-10 km
Wednesday Cycle to and from Work , and if legs are ok short run in the Evening or Gym
Thursday ; interval run , 40 min session
Friday swim
Saturday long cycle ride
Sunday long run

Result of one Week of though Training , legs a tired but happy