"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's going on and what is happening

So took me a while to sit down and write this post , first of all results of the Ultrasound, yes they found some knots in the Thyroids but they are very likely not dangerous, at least that's the current status. Will need to keep an Eye on it and  hopefully talk soon to a specialist to see if this is really the whole Story.

Anyway Exercise ,Sport and Triathlons.
First of all, I'm loving my new Bike , I have done 1 long ride (50km ) and several short rides and I so much enjoy that. The Weather was perfect for Cycling over the last 2 weeks , I hope that Training will have help me for Sundays Triathlon . That Triathlon will be my second Triathlon ever, so I hope I have learned at least some lessons from the mistakes I did in my first Triathlon last Year.
I have not done enough running, but that's something I can't change now, I hope that I have at least done the bare minimum of swimming Training.
All this will come together on Sunday , or not .
At the moment I'm busy with putting the list together what I will need for the Triathlon, I find it amazing how much stuff I carry with me, for a race that hopefully will not take much longer than 2 hrs.
One thing about this Race/Triathlons is amazing, I have no real Idea what I'm doing and I'm certainly not calling myself a Triathlete , however everyone around me who is not associated with Triathlons is calling me a Triathlete , which is quite funny since i still have that mental picture of myself in my head where I was 30 kg heavier than now ( very very obese ) , these Days I call myself overweight and hope to get to normal Weight at some stage this Year, but it's just funny to be called a Triathlete and on top of it , it makes me very proud of myself .
Next stop , Sunday Sprint Triathlon

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