"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Monday, May 7, 2012

no real news , but that might be good news

no real news on my thyroids, the blood result came back as normal but I have an appointment with a specialist only in November , I have a appointment for an ultrasound in a couple of weeks and I would like that my GP has a look at the Results of the Ultrasound, if he is happy, I'm happy.It took me a couple of Days to calm down , because according to Dr. Google  growing Thyroids with normal Blood results can have some nasty causes , but now I have made my own Action plan, Ultrasound first ,GP second and then we go from there.
Exercise wise, I still wait for my new Bike and I'm afraid to use my current Bike since I will get a good trade in Deal on it and if anything happens to the Bike that that Deal is gone, on top of it the Weather lately just has been horrendous, so not a huge amount of motivation to get out there.
I even skipped out of my last 10km Race, the Rain was really bad and I didn't feel like getting soaked in the cold.
I have another 10km race upcoming this Weekend and there is no real way of skipping that one, quite a few of my friends will do it as well , so the good old Group Pressure is on ;o)
Today was a special Day, the Triathlon Group had their first open Water Sea Swim of the Season and I don't mind to admit that I was nervous, the Sea is freezing cold , 9 degrees Celsius in fact . I took the swim in my own pace and only went as far out as I felt comfortable, which no one in the group did mind, it was  really good fun .
 So where I'm at the moment :
Training level not really intense enough but hopefully picking up again at the moment
Weight : Gained a couple of pounds ,reason see above , not enough Exercise and too much food
I have signed up for another Sprint triathlon in August, that will keep me busy , so Races in the pipe line are :
10 km Trail Race this Weekend
Sprint Triathlon beginning of June
30 km Night Hike end of June
Sprint Triathlon beginning of August
and very likely a couple of 10 km and Duathlons in between those Races

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