"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Monday, August 29, 2011

Am I a Triathlete ? Yes I'm

now I'm a Triathlete, it sounds ridiculous and it kind of is, but I have finished now my first Super Sprint Triathlon and I think I can call myself a Triathlete, not a good one by any means but hey who can argue.
I want to talk a bit about my Race Day .
It was a really early Start on Sunday we had to bring the Bike really early into the Transition Area ,it was already humming and buzzing when I arrived there , so got my Bike into Transition Area , made sure Helm gloves , Glasses etc were in place and then I had time , loads of time, until my Race started.
More then two Hours actually, but I was not bored at all, It was really interesting to was the Olympic Racers starting their Race and seeing the Swim etc.
So finally it was my Time to start , and when I was heading for the Water I was extremely nervous, so we jumped into the River, jumping into Water is normally a no no for me anyway but I jumped and soon after the Swim started , 600 meters of Swim and the swim had always been my biggest fear,so I started out Slowly and soon realized I could do this . Slow, but I was getting into a Rhythm I actually started to enjoy the Swim.
Most of the other Swimmers were quite a bit in front of me but I had up to 35 minutes to finish this and  I was able to finish it in 22 minutes , not fast and I know with proper Training I can improve this, so next stage was getting into the  transition and onto the Bike. Something interesting happened here, my legs kind of refused to do anything , I felt wobbly and very hungry, I remembered now that I had my Breakfast more than 4 hours earlier and I had not really eaten anything since then. Great planning on my side ,  somehow I managed to get out of the Wetsuit and onto the Bike and I wanted to take it easy , problem was the first 2 km on the Cycle track was a steep uphill ,not easy with being hungry and very tired Legs. I had one of these Energy Gels with but  I didn't want to take it at that stage , I was hoping i could wait a couple of kilometers so that I would not starve in the middle of the Run .
So I did my 16 km Cycle in a bit over 42 minutes, which was a decent time . Last but not least was a 4 km Run , my legs took it a bit easier this time and I just wanted to finish this , so decided to run Slow ( Something I' doing always anyway ), I also finally started to eat my Energy Gel , I still think they are disgusting and I don't like them but that one really helped me to recover . But I defiantly was running out of condition and i just had to do this somehow, what I found amazing only at this Stage I was really getting out of Breath , before that, I was tired but not out of Breath , that is really proof to me that my Body has adapted to exercise quite well .So anyway with walking and Running i managed to reach the finish line , I finished 3rd last in this but again that is something I don't really care about , I want to finish the races I'm starting and if I finish last or nearly Last doesn't matter to me .
I think for somebody with Borderline COPD that's all that should matter .
Will I do it again , yes I will but I will have to train for this, the Triathlon Season is practically over and now I glad that I have the next couple of month to prepare for next Season.
And then next Year I will also have again my lung Function Test, not sure yet what to expect but I  will be happy if I hear "Lung Function is still good" or Lung Function is still OK" .

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