"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Races and lung function test result

so today was my Lung function test and I'm very happy with the Results, no real change to last Year and that's good news , actually really good news. For me this means the hard work I did put into this Body over the last year has paid off ,so Exercise and Weight loss was and is the Key. Which means what I have started, I have to continue and if possible even improve on .
The only strange result was, the one from the CT scan of the Lung ,they could see my Thyroids and they were larger than normal. So I had to give today some blood and they will do an ultrasound of the Thyroids, to see if anything is wrong .
 It could be nothing or it could be something really nasty. I will try not to make myself crazy until I really know what the story is, the funny note on this I could blame that issue on Weight Gain . However i will not do that , I know that my eating habits have caused my overweight.
That was that ,on the other note I did another 10k Race last Saturday , it was a real Trail Race and it started on the Beach , I was practically last after 300m and I stayed there , the last km of the Race was again on Beach / Pebbles and  I was cramping like crazy . It took me 1hr and 17 minutes to finish the Race, I finished 3rd last and no I don't really mind that .
I have learned again, something from this race, I will try to put in some Beach running into the trainings program.
That reminds me Trainings Program, before the change from Winter to Summer time it was not a problem for me to get up in the Morning and do either running or swimming.
At the moment I'm a Zombie like creature in the early morning so I have not done a lot of Morning exercise , which means I haven't done much exercise overall
But I will restart this as soon as my Body gets used to the Summertime, I will not force it, it will come automatically

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