"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop !

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Crazy times demand crazy actions

Yesterday on Friday the 27th of March 2020 Ireland basically went into lock down mode, the Job of us normal's is now really to sit at home , we are allowed to go for shopping ,preferably as little as possible, Exercise at max of a radius of 2km from our homes, people over 70 or with pre existing condition's are supposed to cocoon themselves, meaning don't leave the house.
For active Pensioners this must be extremely hard and I wish them all the best.
The Reason for this Lock down is that we have already a serious problem with the amount of people who had to be brought to intensive care, we are a very small country and don't have that many facilities. Loads of people are angry that we don't have enough Hospital beds,

Yes thats true we didn't had enough before  the Pandemic but this is not something we can fix now, we can hopefully learn from this and be happy to spend more of our Money on Hospitals and Wages for Nurses and Doctors.
This just doesn't help now, now we need to do our best not to catch this Virus and more importantly not infect other People.

So now its indoor gym , just did a 30 minutes session and very proud of it and hopefully Turbo session and the occasional walk

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